Combining Science Fact and Science Fiction

FutureDude founder Jeffrey Morris presented his work combining science fact and science fiction in the media to the CoSTEP committee at the American Association for the Advancement of Science this week in Washington DC. The committee members represent thought-leaders in academia, and represent several aerospace, chemical, pharmaceutical and technology companies—all entities that utilize science as their core element. The group is working to find ways to inspire diversity in science and establish a broader base of potential employees from the American student population.

The upcoming feature film, Persephone, is a great example of how Morris mixes actual science and technologies with sci-fi adventures to create rich, plausible stories designed to entertain and share the wonder of science. See more of Persephone here.

After this successful discussion Jeffrey plans to continue to consult AAAS in the future. Stay tuned for more as the relationship develops!

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FutureDude Entertainment is a production company that blends dazzling creativity with smart storytelling. Our goal: to rekindle the human spirit of science fiction for a mass audience.